Beauty comes in all sizes. Security should too.
I can’t count the amount of times I’ve had to listen to people comment on how skinny I am, always with some little twist of negativity. Either it’s, “I wish I was as skinny as you!” or “Girl you need to put some meat on those bones!” And heaven forbid I should make a complaint about my body of any sort in front of anyone with more inches than myself. Then I get, “What are you complaining about?! You’re perfect.”
Let’s just clarify a few things. Firstly, there is no such thing as perfect. Secondly, those folks telling me to eat have clearly never had a meal with me, because anyone who has knows I have the appetite of a man. Thirdly, and the whole point of my rambling thus far, it’s not always easy being skinny and every time someone of larger proportions has the audacity to tell me otherwise, my blood boils.