Twenty-Fine for the Very Last Time
Today is my 29th birthday. I didn’t wake up feeling any different this morning, but I am nothing like the girl I used to be a decade ago. Okay, that’s not entirely true. I am still kind-hearted, strong-headed, and open-minded. But so much else has changed.
In the years between 20 and 29, I have learned how to let go of the things that do not serve me, and how to hold on fiercely to those that do. I have recognized that winning—games, arguments, or anything else—isn’t as important as my peace of mind. I have fallen in love with all of myself, from the softness of my heart and the strength of my will to the contours of my face and the curves of my body.
I have taught myself how to grieve my losses with grace and how to relish the victories when they come. I have discovered the beauty of silence and solitude and the value of knowing when and how to speak up. Somewhere between 20 and 29, I became a woman. Not just in age but in body, spirit, and mind. I have met so many versions of myself in the last nine years, and I am thrilled to know there are many more to come.
So, as I embark on the last year of my 20s, as I step into the beginning of the end of a personal era, I want to set my affirmations for the next year. I am sharing these publicly because I am inviting you to hold me to these promises I’m making to myself. I am also inviting you to take from this list whatever might bring you joy or growth.
There is nothing I need that I do not have. If it is not in my possession yet, it’s on its way.
I am strong enough to shoulder the burdens that will make me a better woman.
I am surrounded by people who pour light and love into my life as I pour into theirs.
My heart, spirit, and soul know peace and find contentment even in the face of adversity.
I give freely because I know that abundance is always mine.
I have enough ambition and discipline to achieve the goals that seem impossible.
I am kind to myself, even on the days when I make mistakes, fall back on old habits, or stray from my truth.
I give myself room to feel ALL of my emotions—the good, the bad, and the ugly.
I honour my needs, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. My wellness is a priority.
I lead with love, even when it would be easier to let my ego or rage take the wheel, because I am the captain of this ship.
So it is written. So it shall be.